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Version KGB have a lot of very important bugs fixed, latest HD models and high quality game sounds installed, in this version of the game you'll find a very sleek offline version of the game, when you'll click New Game button, early, you saw only bots count, difficulty and map settings, now you'll see a lot of new functions like a CSDM, Zombie, Surf and other game modifications gameplay offline availability. A lot of websites share fake version of CS 1.6 KGB, so players cant find a good original version of this game, for this reason we decided to share this good original version of CS 1.6 KGB game with our visitors. A lot of Counter Strike players is bored of classic game version and looking for new modified game versions, so for this reason a lot of this legendary first person shooter game lovers use KGB game version which is very popular today. CS 1.6 KGB Download CS 1.6 KGB - KGB is a very old CS 1.6 gaming community, KGB project have a hosting, a lot of game servers and most importat - Modified version of Counter Strike game which have a large count of players.