Installing fonts in sap programs in dallas
Installing fonts in sap programs in dallas

Generate Font: you must select one device type, all fonts are checked.All existing device types in the system are displayed.Font conversion: for the selected system font, and for each device type, SAP determines and displays the printer font that will be used for printing.For more information, see Microsoft RTF specification. For example, RTF information for Verdana would be \froman\fcharset& Verdana. It can usually be defined as \froman\fcharset& windowsfontname.

installing fonts in sap programs in dallas

  • RTF information: it is needed to display fonts on screen and on print preview.
  • Possible values are: *, J (Japan), A (Arabic), 3 (Korean), 1 (China), 8RW (Cyrillic), 2 (Thai), G (Greek), M (Ming).
  • Language Vector: this is used to indicate the type of character set that is defined in the font, that is used in Font Conversion algorithm so that to not convert an Arabic font into a Japanese font.
  • For example Arial N_I_ means that the family font is a true type font with normal and italic, but there is neither bold nor bold + italic.

    installing fonts in sap programs in dallas installing fonts in sap programs in dallas

    The font family description also have 4 last characters equal to regular expression which indicates what styles are installed (see System font below), where: N = normal, B = bold, I = italic, X = bold + italic. List of fonts are shown in 2 colors, blue and yellow:.You may create a font family either by using this menu, or by installing a TrueType font (see below).In SE73 tansaction, there are 4 menus to manage fonts:

    Installing fonts in sap programs in dallas