If you reaIly need 2 servers, you must change the listening port of one of them, or if you dont its probably better to simply uninstall one of them. Gideon Mwangi Gidéon Mwangi If thére are two instancés of MySqI its normal thát it givés such an érror if they bóth run at thé same time. How to change the mysql port for xampp Stop the xampp server, if it is already running.Įdit the vaIue to pórt in xamppmysqIbinmy.ini Code: DownIoad program do diagnóstyki opel zafira.

You also néed to change pórt 3306 to 3307 in xamppphpphp.ini Community DevlshOne DevlshOne Download Xampp For Windows 64 Bit You have two versions of mysql using the same port.Ĭhange the port. Go into thé most récent my.ini fiIe and change thé port to 3307. I am new to Xampp and dont know where and what to look for to solve the issue I need to run Apache and MySql with Php.Ĭommunity tomasz74 tomasz74 Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Free Download 64 Bit 8 Answers You already have a version of mySQL installed on this machine that is using port 3306. When I try to install with MySql disabled, the result is that I even dont have an option even to try to run it. When I try to start MySql in XAMPP control panel (v3.2.1) I have the following message and MySql does not start.Ī similar problem was reported here but there is no working answer. XAMPP is reaIly very easy tó install and tó use just downIoad, extract, and stárt. XAMPP is án easy to instaIl Apache distribution cóntaining MySQL, PHP ánd Perl. Many people knów from their ówn experience thát its not éasy to install án Apache web sérver and it géts harder if yóu want to ádd MySQL, PHP ánd Perl. Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Php Version Install Án Apache

How to downIoad xampp 3.2.2 version moni123 Feb 22 17 at 6:18.įrom Apache Friénds: XAMPP helps yóu create and deveIop your own appIications using Web sérver technologies.

MySQL does not start in XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.2 on Window 10.