(Although in all honesty I didn't make many changes as the author did a good job overall, I just disagreed with a few finer points). This document aims to take the rules on the DnD wiki, refine them slightly to be more in line with what I believe to be the core design philosophy of 5e, rather than a the more "direct" port from 3rd edition. This document will contain the ruleset for Gestalt character for DnD 5th edition, or at least my take on it as WotC have not given any indication that they will publish anything for Gestalt characters for 5e. From what my looking about has found this is typically reserved for either low player count games (1-3 players, generally 1 or 2, to simulate 3-5 players), or for a high powered/munchkin/epic fantasy/legendary heros esq game. When boiled down to a single sentence, it would be described as this "A character that simultaneously takes 2 different classes each time they level." Typically this will end up with PC's being stronger/more flexible than their non-gestalt counterparts. Gestalt characters is an idea/ruleset that harkens back to older editions.